

Besiana Gashi

Ms. Besiana Gashi

Mental Health Coach

Profile Summary

Human experience and seeking, has never ceased to amaze me, hence counseling to me is a modest, yet honorable service towards actualizing human potential of courageous spirits, in an open, meaningful and conscious process of growth and expansion. I joined telepsychiatry, as a promising bridge in a fragmented society and self, so as to be engaged in an ever-evolving gardening –where human wounds can be attended as life-thriving possibilities. Nossrat Peseschkian, founder of Positive Psychotherapy noted: “If you want something you never had, you have to do something you never did”.

MSc.Counseling PsychologyUniversity of Sheffield – Thessaloniki, Greece2019
BSc.PsychologyUniversity of Prishtina – Prishtina, Kosovo
Masaryk University – Brno, Czech Republic
Middle East Technical University – Ankara, Turkey
Professional Experience
Mental Health CoachTelepsychiatry PakistanSince – Nov’20
ConsultantKosovo Centre for Positive Psychotherapy – Prishtina, KosovoSince – 2016
Professional Training/Certification
Therapy for Children and YouthDiakonisches Bildungs Zentrum, Germany2020
TrainingUnder Supervision of Dr. Yousuf Raza on Principles of Logotherapy, Interpersonal Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy2018 – 2020
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